
What is a UBB?

Walking through the streets of an unreached city, the unengaged are at every turn. These are people who have no access to the Gospel. Others live and walk the same streets who have accepted Christ without the ability to be identified as believers.

Unreached Background Believers, or UBBs, are people from unreached people groups, communities, and tribes that have not been engaged with the Gospel, who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Once an unengaged person accepts Jesus, they commonly face banishment or persecution; living with a constant threat of death, which often means losing their spouse, children, extended family, and community identity.

Many have accepted Jesus in their hearts without a way to physically express this new truth and instead keep it deeply concealed. Because UBBs are unseen by the Church, they are unknowingly left out of our prayers. We, the Body of Christ,  must stand in the only gap available to us: prayer.




How Should We Pray?

The power of prayer is often devalued in our minds due to its simplicity. God's simple structure of prayer makes it easily added to our chaotic lives. We have developed a in-depth prayer guide with 31 prayer points for each day of the month.

Pray for the Found is challenging you to give just two minutes of spiritual focus to UBBs a day. Take one minute to review the prayer point, scripture, and insight and invest one minute in prayer.

  • One minute to read
  • One minute to pray